Q&A with Renee Franklin: AIM Institute’s President & CEO

Overview of AIM Institute

The mission of leading Omaha tech nonprofit AIM Institute is to grow a strong and diverse tech community through education, career development and outreach. Driving this mission is AIM’s vision to build a thriving community where anyone can pursue a rewarding tech career. For more than 30 years, AIM has fostered the growth of Omaha’s tech sector. The nonprofit builds tech talent from elementary school through adulthood by offering education, career development and strategic partnerships. AIM education offerings include Youth Academies and Code School. In career development, AIM provides Leadership Development Academies and customized training that develops, grows and retains local tech talent that is critical to the success of area companies and the community at large. Via strategic partnerships, AIM offers tech workforce development and networking opportunities. AIM’s engagement efforts strengthen the region’s tech talent pool and address the increased demand for high-skill tech jobs in the Midwest. More information about AIM is available at aiminstitute.org and through social media on Facebook, Instagram – @aiminstituteomaha and Twitter (X) – @aiminstituteoma.

Q: How did your career lead you to AIM?

A: I’ve spent my career working to ensure individuals have equal access to high-quality educational opportunities and resources. AIM understands that a more diverse and inclusive workforce will improve the tech sector for all across our region.

Q: What do you love most about our tech community?

A: Our tech community is collaborative, innovative, and supportive. We are home to a growing startup ecosystem thanks to an increasing pool of talent, a robust educational system, and a commitment to grow a strong and diverse tech workforce.

Q: What will be the biggest trends in tech in 2024? 

A: Artificial intelligence (AI) is increasingly recognized as a transformative technology with profound implications across various aspects of society. Machine learning, a subset of AI, also will make an incredible impact in various areas such as image and speech recognition, natural language processing, fraud detection and automated vehicles.

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We anticipate rapid advancement in health care, metaverse experiences, decentralized financial platforms, and biometric technologies. We also anticipate various legal, ethical, bias, and cybersecurity issues to arise with these advances.

Q: Can you glimpse some of AIM’s most prominent programs?

A: Our team of experts is committed to AIM’s mission of creating a strong and diverse tech workforce. AIM’s prominent programs include youth in tech, adult leadership academies, and customized corporate training. Our goal is to remove barriers and increase access so that anyone can pursue a rewarding tech career.

As 2023 comes to an end, we want to thank our supporters, partners, and the many others who help us provide tech education, career development and networking opportunities to nearly 6,000 people a year. As local and regional organizations evolve in the digital age, we are at the ready to fill the critical need for tech professionals in the coming years.